Eric Cheng

Current In-Service: Chairman of WT Microelectronics Co., Ltd. Chairman of NuVision Technology Inc. Chairman of Techmosa International Inc. Educational Background / Experience: Tunghai University Chairman of WT Microelectronics Co., Ltd.


Kerry Hsu

Current In-Service: Senior Vice President of WT Microelectronics Co., Ltd. Educational Background / Experience: National Chengchi University Senior Vice President of WT Microelectronics Co., Ltd.


John Cheng

Current In-Service: Director, Grand Fortune Securities Co., Ltd. Director, Solytech Enterprise Corporation Director, Leader Electronics Inc. Director, Shieh Yih Machinery Industry Co., Ltd. Independent Director,Prolific Technology Inc. Independent Director, Holy Stone Enterprise Co., Ltd. Director, Metagone Biotech Inc. Legal Representative Director, Foryou Capital Corporation. Legal Representative Director, Grand Fortune Venture Management Corporation. Educational Background /…


Margaret Kao

Current In-Service: Chairperson of Marketech International Corp. Chairman, Macrotec Technology Corp. Educational Background / Experience: EMBA of International Business of National Taiwan University Manager of Electronics Research & Service Organization


Edmund Sun

Current In-Service: Chairman of S Square System Limited Educational Background / Experience: Ph.D. of Physics, Electric Engineering, and Business Economics of California Institute of Technology Visiting Professor of National Chiao Tung University Visiting Professor of Graduate School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science of Peking University Chair Professor of Academia Sinica Visiting Expert of Department…
