Working Skill Training

We provide periodical training for our employees to improve their soft skills and hard skills required at work, in order to enhance work efficiency.


Leadership Development

We provide tailor-made management and leadership modules for employees at various levels to help improve management skills and foster leadership thinking among department heads. This equips employees with the necessary know-how and drives them to lead their teams in achieving the organization’s goals.


Corporate achievements

WT Microelectronics is the second largest distributor of semiconductor components in Asia, serving dozens of renowned brands at home and abroad, with more than 1000 clients in total. Our ever expanding sales and rapidly growing business provides you with the best opportunities to excel.


Overseas business locations

WT Microelectronics is committed to becoming a global company, with business presence in major Asian countries. In addition to our Taipei headquarters, R&D office in Hsinchu and branch offices in Taichung and Tainan, we operate in 50-plus locations in countries and territories such as Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, India, China (Beijing, Shanghai,…


Organizational climate

Our philosophy of participative management focuses on active cooperation in lieu of forced compliance. By eliminating rigid regulations, we instill a sense of honor and responsibility, and foster a strong team spirit amongst our employees.



We adhere to a set of definite ethical guidelines. Integrity is the fundamental core value of WT and makes the integral component for all decision-makings. We always behave honestly and sincerely in all our interactions with everyone.
